?? English-speak chat group about STEEM in Telegram<br>❗️Rules:<br>Be respectful<br>? Link for your new posts<br>https://telegram.me/upvotechat<br>? News channel:<br>https://telegram.me/<br>✅ We are for high-quality content
The Original Hardware WalletTrezor Blog: https://blog.trezor.ioWiki: https://wiki.trezor.ioTwitter: https://twitter.com/TrezorReddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/TREZOR/Shop: https://shop.trezor.io/!Admin's WON'T DM you / never share your seed!
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Official community driven IOTA channel concentrating on technical discussion.Other channels:General discussion: @iotacafeTrading discussion: @iotatraderNews feeds: @iotatoken & @IOTA_DACH_NEWSBot for much more info and links: @IotaHelperBot
Bloomatch is a decetralized match making protocol. Aimed to bring two different people who posses similar character traits.white paper : http://www.bloomatch.com/docs/bloomatch_whitepaper.pdf
?? English-speak chat group about STEEM in Telegram<br>❗️Rules:<br>Be respectful<br>? Link for your new posts<br>https://telegram.me/upvotechat<br>? News channel:<br>https://telegram.me/<br>✅ We are for high-quality content