SONM (Global Fog Computing)Sonm provides cloud services based on distributed customer level hardware including PCs, mining equipment, and servers. You can either rent out your hardware or use someone’s computing power for your needs.
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本群为网络安全讨论群,共匪建立防火长城,蒙蔽十四亿中国人的眼睛,还发展大数据监控,网民的言论自由受到极大的打压。 本群的宗旨在于讨论安全的翻墙方式来保障公民的个人权利。 禁止谩骂、人身攻击、刷屏、色情、广告,否则移除群聊。 外部频道: 💎安捷软件技术服务园地💎 @anjieok