🛸 AIGAT is an exchange that combines lattice arbitrage strategies with artificial intelligence technology.🛸 The trading platform is based on the principles of delta arbitrage and utilizes advanced developments in artificial intelligence.
🛸 AIGAT is an exchange that combines lattice arbitrage strategies with artificial intelligence technology.
🛸 The trading platform is based on the principles of delta arbitrage and utilizes advanced developments in artificial intelligence.
疫情當下,好多人都失業 本人本身做緊Big data既工,我寫左一個足球預測程式,希望可以幫到大家贏錢😆 當然啦一分錢一分貨,我同我團隊研發咗呢個Apps 我地足球料係要比錢既🙈 收費如下: 重心單場$500 一般單場$200 週PLAN$3000(每日提供三場) 月PLAN$7000 年PLAN$13888(包即場料😙) ————————————— 我地絕不呃人,唔食人血饅頭! 冇理由倒自己米㗎嘛😂😂😂