Please do not advertise without permission, otherwise I will throw your mother into the Ganges River in India and wash your mother's vagina into Godzilla's ultimate smelly vagina.
This group does not violate any Telegram rules. Note that this group operates legally in Iran. Thank you for your cooperation, dear ones, and thank you (@Durov) who created it.
Our official group is @Telegram 💪🏿想創業做網店🤔諗緊邊到拎貨好😞 又或者想買平口罩 美容纖體產品等等😆搵我地就岩啦 🎊我地每樣貨品有零售價同批發價 因為谷入面夾到量💪🏿 會有💥現貨同💫訂貨 🎁產品包括化妝品,美容,電子產品,生活用品,食品等提供。 🎉不是直銷,淘寶! 可面交|順豐到付|免費代寄服務 喺谷入面睇啱直銷PM我就可以