Augur is a decentralized prediction market built on the Ethereum blockchain. Allowing you to be rewarded for forcasting eventshttp://augur.net in:@Crypto > @CryptoCurrencies
Rule 1: no negativityRule 2: No solicitation without approvalRule 3: Have a laugh and have fun!Media and other platform talk is cool. We are NOT Bitconnect. WE ARE SUPPORTERS.
專講香港UXUI, digital product design嘅嘢,依度嘅culture係mentorship。歡迎對UXUI有興趣既人入嚟交流下,隨便分享經驗、發問、解答~😉 問野前睇左下面2份FAQ先,睇完仲有想了解既地方,歡迎提問~提問時記得#uxquestion 方便大家追post/follow up 入行FAQ: 進階FAQ: 共享資源: #ux香港 #uxdesign #uxui #香港ux #設計 #香港設計