Sapphire is the exclusive currency for the skill game with the world’s biggest jackpot for it's kind. The Sapphire enables people to win some of the highest prices in the history and allows people to use the coin worldwide with free buy & sell.
QA India ! UniteHere we share job postings , prepare for interviews and share tips/techniques in QA.Please follow following guideline while sharing any job ...QA job # location : # titleCompany : Title : Requirement:Responsibility:Apply:
DisruptBlock is an online publication covering cryptocurrencies and the blockchain technology - everything from news, ICO's, reviews, and market fluctuations, all in one place.
Essentia is a masternode powered blockchain that enables interoperability and cross-chain transactions. It is an ‘all-in-one platform’ that manages all things crypto. With Essentia users can: trade, swap, and add liquidity. Integrated with L2 transactions
MAN KEE是一九五七年在香港創立經幾代人接班發展,至今成為香港老牌民企。 我們專注香港IDC机房提供雲端高速運算、伺服器租賃、網絡安全、大數據庫及人工智慧等創科方案。 咨询: @MKHKFWQ @MKHKCS