Launched on 01/04/2019, Gric Coin (GC) is an Agricultural Blockchain Project that is focused on improving agricultural practice and increase agricultural output globally with the major focus on Africa.
DECENT is a blockchain innovator with its own platform, DCore, empowering users to rapidly create and migrate business-ready, scalable and decentralized applications. 🌎📥 [email protected]
Welcome to @CryptoCurrencyNetworkThe Global Crypto community!Want to add your group to this list? send your link to @CryptoBuddiesIf you're feeling generous & would like to donate, go to @CryptoTipBot
✔Peur marketplace, payment solution & payroll integration. ✔Trust Reputation and Keeping Performance based on BlockchainWebsite:💈 ICO 💈⏰ April 24th - May 28thAccepted currencies:BTC, ETH, LTC and DASH
Augur is a decentralized prediction market built on the Ethereum blockchain. Allowing you to be rewarded for forcasting eventshttp://augur.net in:@Crypto > @CryptoCurrencies
MAN KEE是一九五七年在香港創立經幾代人接班發展,至今成為香港老牌民企。 我們專注香港IDC机房提供雲端高速運算、伺服器租賃、網絡安全、大數據庫及人工智慧等創科方案。 咨询: @MKHKFWQ @MKHKCS