Move your message history from other apps to Telegram Millions of people are switching every day and now their old chats from WhatsApp, Line and KakaoTalk can come with them – along with all their friends and family. 😉 This update also gives you more control…
Move your message history from other apps to Telegram
Millions of people are switching every day and now their old chats from WhatsApp, Line and KakaoTalk can come with them – along with all their friends and family. 😉
This update also gives you more control of your data: secret chats, groups you created and call history can be deleted for all sides at any time.
Voice Chats now appear at the top of your Call History page, and both members and admins can individually adjust other users’ microphone levels.
After one of your contacts joins Telegram, you can open the chat and send a friendly greeting sticker with one tap. 👋
For the full details on how to migrate messages from other apps, plus new Android Animations, Accessibility Improvements and more, check out our blog:
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