MaidSafeCoin/Safecoin and other cryptocurrency trading chat (please no pump & dump advertising or spam) <br><br><br><br><br><a href="">@safenetwork</a> technology & community channel <br><br>Listed in:<br><a href="">@Crypto</a> > <a href="">@CryptoCurrencies</a>
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The world’s first reverse merchant processor. We pay transaction fees to businesses, we don't charge them. We seek to address cryptocurrency adoption issues & introduce incentivized payment solutions.
MaidSafeCoin/Safecoin and other cryptocurrency trading chat (please no pump & dump advertising or spam) <br><br><br><br><br><a href="">@safenetwork</a> technology & community channel <br><br>Listed in:<br><a href="">@Crypto</a> > <a href="">@CryptoCurrencies</a>