A community for PC enthusiasts and techies.General Rules:- Do not Spam or advertise w/o permission- Be Nice- Avoid NSFW content- Don't post excessive GIFs- No group links allowed
Stay inspired by discussing all kinds of SFW creative Works In Progress. Sewing, sculpting, craft, fursuits, costumes, artwork & more! Like an online studio space with others!Rules & participation info here: https://telegra.ph/WIP-Zone-09-01
✏️HKPF Group群組守則📌 1️⃣ 請各位群組成員於發言時保持理性及尊重,禮貌發言。切勿刻意發放虛假信息或意圖引起罵戰。 2️⃣本群組只作討論有關警察資訊,切勿發放與警察無關的資訊。 3️⃣嚴禁於群組內進行賣買,推銷、宣傳、發放廣告、招攬生意。 4️⃣請善用本群組資源,嚴禁使用本群組資源另外建立任何平台作私下討論 ⚠️違規成員將會被即時移離群組❌