Welcome to LIT UNIVERSE!? Be nice & respectful? Don't invite bots or post ads, NSFW or copyrighted content.? Keep conversation in English⚠️ Keep media posts like GIFs and stickers to a minimum
This is the Official Group of Mi Fans Club Kerala ⏩Official Announcement Channel @mifckeralaofficial⏩Ruleshttp://in.c.mi.com/in/thread-49544-1-0.htmlRegards, @Souravak , @AmalmuraleeMiFC Kerala Presidents
Stay inspired by discussing all kinds of SFW creative Works In Progress. Sewing, sculpting, craft, fursuits, costumes, artwork & more! Like an online studio space with others!Rules & participation info here: https://telegra.ph/WIP-Zone-09-01
94要零嚕 項目方牛肉端出來 我們就給他吃好吃滿 #零嚕刷好刷滿 #零嚕教學