AdvisoryNetwork is a Blockchain based Consultant Software as a Service that provides a solid solution for any companies and individuals want to provide consulting services through voice calls and video calls.
QA India ! UniteHere we share job postings , prepare for interviews and share tips/techniques in QA.Please follow following guideline while sharing any job ...QA job # location : # titleCompany : Title : Requirement:Responsibility:Apply:
直播系统 精选来自香港、台湾、日本、韩国、美国、英国等国家和地区的 多个精品电视台,大部分高达720P的高清直播,涵盖了新闻、体育、电影等丰富内容, 全球流行翡翠台系列本、港台系列、HBO系列等经典频道!是您居家看电视首选! 适用平台:安卓4.0或更高版本的手机/平板/电视/机顶盒皆可使用; 建议配置:1.0Ghz或更高主频的CPU; 256MB或者更高RAM;