Daily News & Information<br><br>Premier Blockchain & Crypto Community<br><br>DISCLAIMER: Trade at your own risk; Do your own research (DYOR); We are not liable for any gains or losses incurred. All guidelines and news should be taken as suggestion.
Accept multiple currencies , instant cash transaction of volume deals. No hidden fee.
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Bloomatch is a decetralized match making protocol. Aimed to bring two different people who posses similar character traits.white paper : http://www.bloomatch.com/docs/bloomatch_whitepaper.pdf
Meaningful discussions and trainings around digital currencies (i.e. cryptocurrencies). Come learn how to make money with bitcoin etc. even without money.
Sapphire is the exclusive currency for the skill game with the world’s biggest jackpot for it's kind. The Sapphire enables people to win some of the highest prices in the history and allows people to use the coin worldwide with free buy & sell.
✔Peur marketplace, payment solution & payroll integration. ✔Trust Reputation and Keeping Performance based on BlockchainWebsite: https://peur.io💈 ICO 💈⏰ April 24th - May 28thAccepted currencies:BTC, ETH, LTC and DASH
VU is a massive multiplayer, online role-playing game set in living, AI-driven Virtual Reality. Join thousands of VU players in an epic story-driven adventure set in a universe filled with excitement, intrigue and danger!
Daily News & Information<br><br>Premier Blockchain & Crypto Community<br><br>DISCLAIMER: Trade at your own risk; Do your own research (DYOR); We are not liable for any gains or losses incurred. All guidelines and news should be taken as suggestion.