IPRONTO is a blockchain based platform that provides an ecosystem to convert ideas into profitable businesses.<br><br>Whitepaper - https://www.iprontocoin.io/pdf/ipronto-whitepaper-V1.0.pdf?type=V1.0<br><br>Website - https://www.iprontocoin.com/
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Welcome to @CryptoCharity > @CryptoCommunities > @Crypto100% donations go to charity100% transparentWant to add your group to this list? send your link to @ListMe
Code, engines, game reviews...Artwork, sprites, pixel art, vector art...Music, sounds, music software...Game story, scenes...If you can appreciate/create this works (image/sound/game/story) join @makeagame
The world’s first reverse merchant processor. We pay transaction fees to businesses, we don't charge them. We seek to address cryptocurrency adoption issues & introduce incentivized payment solutions.
DECENT is a blockchain innovator with its own platform, DCore, empowering users to rapidly create and migrate business-ready, scalable and decentralized applications. 🌎 decent.ch📥 [email protected]
DASH REVOLUTIONARY DIGITAL MONEY SYSTEM.Instant transactions and micro-fees. Any amount, anytime, anywhere.This Official Dash Chat - @dash_chatDash Admin - @Tungfa
IPRONTO is a blockchain based platform that provides an ecosystem to convert ideas into profitable businesses.<br><br>Whitepaper - https://www.iprontocoin.io/pdf/ipronto-whitepaper-V1.0.pdf?type=V1.0<br><br>Website - https://www.iprontocoin.com/