Mainly Gentoo-focused, but all operating systems are welcome!<br><br>Rules:<br>- Be civil.<br>- Avoid drama and politics.<br>- No unsolicited advertising.<br>- No unauthorised bots.<br><br>Interested in security chat? Check out
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MaidSafeCoin/Safe Network token and other cryptocurrencies trading chat (please no pump & dump advertising or spam) in:@Crypto > @CryptoCurrencies
Discussion about Bitcoin developmenthttp://bitcoincore.org in:@CryptoGroups @CurrencyDirectoryRules:No altcoin/ICO discussion or promo
This is a support and discussion group for Arch Linux.ARM group: group: for the rules.#pin
Mainly Gentoo-focused, but all operating systems are welcome!<br><br>Rules:<br>- Be civil.<br>- Avoid drama and politics.<br>- No unsolicited advertising.<br>- No unauthorised bots.<br><br>Interested in security chat? Check out