ICONOMI ICO chat group.<br><br>We'll keep this channel clean with only relevant discussion. <br><br>Bounty discussions: https://telegram.me/iconomiicobounties
An ecosystem of decentralized, open-source DeFi protocols that foster on-chain trading and liquidity. Introducing Carbon - www.carbondefi.xyzbancor.networktwitter.com/bancordiscord.gg/5d3JXqYQGjCarbon Telegram: @CarbonDeFixyz
News, discussions and help for all GNU/Linux Distributions!Group rules (Please read before joining): @SiRulessRules TL;DR1. Read the full rules at @SiRules there is no TL;DR 2. Read them againThis group is part of siliconnetwork
🔔Official discussions are on Discordhttps://discord.gg/kyberswaphttps://twitter.com/KyberNetworkKyberSwap.com DEX aggregator allows users and Dapps to swap tokens at the best rates!*Admins have the 'admin' tag*No price discussion*No toxic comment
ICONOMI ICO chat group.<br><br>We'll keep this channel clean with only relevant discussion. <br><br>Bounty discussions: https://telegram.me/iconomiicobounties