MyICOPool is a legal, stable, secure an implemented multi-platform for ICO's. Visit and register to participate in the TOP ICOs of 2018!<br>Group COMMANDS:<br>/help_me<br>/pools<br>/stats<br>/{SYMBOL}
The world’s first reverse merchant processor. We pay transaction fees to businesses, we don't charge them. We seek to address cryptocurrency adoption issues & introduce incentivized payment solutions. @SkywirePSA @skywire_reward @SkycoinGithubGROUP RULES: MARKETING / LISTING / PROMOTION SOLICITATIONS OF ANY KIND!DO NOT MESSAGE ADMINS!FAILURE TO COMPLY = BAN
Sapphire is the exclusive currency for the skill game with the world’s biggest jackpot for it's kind. The Sapphire enables people to win some of the highest prices in the history and allows people to use the coin worldwide with free buy & sell.
MyICOPool is a legal, stable, secure an implemented multi-platform for ICO's. Visit and register to participate in the TOP ICOs of 2018!<br>Group COMMANDS:<br>/help_me<br>/pools<br>/stats<br>/{SYMBOL}