This group is for discussing Arch Linux and helping people out.<br><br>It's a part of The Guild Channels Network, so see for the rules.
All Bitcoin, Cryptocurrency related Chat. No referral linking, no spamming. No advertising of your own services. If someone pm's you it's probably a scam.
BuzzShow is a video-centric blockchain-enabled social media platform that rewards the creation, curation and viewing of online videos.Sign up on the platform: https://buzzshow.comDownload the mobile app:
We are a group of Bitcoin users forking Bitcoin back to its original vision of scaling on-chain to the world; with or without miner majority.http://bitcoinforks.org rules at @TermsConditions
The Official PotCoin Discussion Groupwww.potcoin.com Chain Binaries >
This group is for discussing Arch Linux and helping people out.<br><br>It's a part of The Guild Channels Network, so see for the rules.