Semi-official chat moderated by the community and Golem Team.Official: Golem creates the first global market for idle computer power
VU is a massive multiplayer, online role-playing game set in living, AI-driven Virtual Reality. Join thousands of VU players in an epic story-driven adventure set in a universe filled with excitement, intrigue and danger!
MaidSafeCoin/Safe Network token and other cryptocurrencies trading chat (please no pump & dump advertising or spam) in:@Crypto > @CryptoCurrencies
DECENT is a blockchain innovator with its own platform, DCore, empowering users to rapidly create and migrate business-ready, scalable and decentralized applications. 🌎📥 [email protected]
• 一个开放、自由、平等的计算机网络安全技术分享空间 • 只有两种事物是无穷尽的——即宇宙的浩瀚和人类的愚蠢 • 商务合作:@DataTrickerBot • 官方频道:@DateTricker • 官方群聊:@DateTrickerChat