International group of C/C++ programming. Only english language is allowed. Rules are in the pinned message.All messages, media posted in this group will be under the Creative Commons Licence.Rules -
MaidSafeCoin/Safe Network token and other cryptocurrencies trading chat (please no pump & dump advertising or spam) in:@Crypto > @CryptoCurrencies
Welcome to @CryptoCurrencyNetworkThe Global Crypto community!Want to add your group to this list? send your link to @CryptoBuddiesIf you're feeling generous & would like to donate, go to @CryptoTipBot
Essentia is a masternode powered blockchain that enables interoperability and cross-chain transactions. It is an ‘all-in-one platform’ that manages all things crypto. With Essentia users can: trade, swap, and add liquidity. Integrated with L2 transactions
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