Welcome to LIT UNIVERSE!? Be nice & respectful? Don't invite bots or post ads, NSFW or copyrighted content.? Keep conversation in English⚠️ Keep media posts like GIFs and stickers to a minimum
Rules: This is a safe for work chat keep things pg. This chat welcomes all ages <18 Rules: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YJQ3NITxDVdqtOmbKNLpiLp8HgiXhd9DW9PtxTador8/edit?usp=sharing Furmeet posting info at: https://t.me/NorthShoreFursMeets
Unofficial Telegram Group of the /r/GlobalOffensive subreddit. Feel free to chat about CS, this subreddit or anything else, as long as it won't get too off-topic. Make sure you read the /rules and check out /steam! :)Enjoy your stay!