Launched on 01/04/2019, Gric Coin (GC) is an Agricultural Blockchain Project that is focused on improving agricultural practice and increase agricultural output globally with the major focus on Africa.
✔Peur marketplace, payment solution & payroll integration. ✔Trust Reputation and Keeping Performance based on BlockchainWebsite:💈 ICO 💈⏰ April 24th - May 28thAccepted currencies:BTC, ETH, LTC and DASH
The world’s first reverse merchant processor. We pay transaction fees to businesses, we don't charge them. We seek to address cryptocurrency adoption issues & introduce incentivized payment solutions.
DYOR! Do your own research!✅:Legit / 有收到AirDrop❌:Scam / 詐騙1)提防騙子,不要輕信主動聯絡你的所謂「負責人」2)不要輕易投資金錢入任何空投項目,DYOR3)建議不要將日常交易使用的錢包作接收空投之用(建議使用MetaMask, Trust Wallet...)分享有關新興虛擬貨幣空投或相關資訊Share info. of new Crypto airdrop and more.#虛擬貨幣 #加密貨幣 #crypto #Ai