News, discussions and help for all GNU/Linux Distributions!<br><br>Group rules (Please read before joining): <a href="">@SiRules</a><br><br>Rules TL;DR<br>1. Read the full rules at <a href="">@SiRules</a> there is no TL;DR <br>2. Read them again<br><br>This group is part of <a href="">@siliconnetwork</a>
We offer:֍ short term signals֍ coins / tokens for long term invest֍ weekly reports֍ general adviceContact @lhocs for Feedback or information about the premium group. @SkywirePSA @skywire_reward @SkycoinGithubGROUP RULES: MARKETING / LISTING / PROMOTION SOLICITATIONS OF ANY KIND!DO NOT MESSAGE ADMINS!FAILURE TO COMPLY = BAN
News, discussions and help for all GNU/Linux Distributions!<br><br>Group rules (Please read before joining): <a href="">@SiRules</a><br><br>Rules TL;DR<br>1. Read the full rules at <a href="">@SiRules</a> there is no TL;DR <br>2. Read them again<br><br>This group is part of <a href="">@siliconnetwork</a>