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Bloomatch is a decetralized match making protocol. Aimed to bring two different people who posses similar character traits.white paper : http://www.bloomatch.com/docs/bloomatch_whitepaper.pdf
✍️வாழ்க தமிழ்🙏வெல்க தமிழ் World 1st Tamil Blockchain and Crypto Group since 2016.@tamil_btc @nammacryptoVisit : www.tamilbtc.comAdmins @er_vinothkumar @tamilbtc_comDYOR-It's Not Investment Advice
An ecosystem of decentralized, open-source DeFi protocols that foster on-chain trading and liquidity. Introducing Carbon - www.carbondefi.xyzbancor.networktwitter.com/bancordiscord.gg/5d3JXqYQGjCarbon Telegram: @CarbonDeFixyz