BuzzShow is a video-centric blockchain-enabled social media platform that rewards the creation, curation and viewing of online videos.Sign up on the platform: https://buzzshow.comDownload the mobile app:
Welcome to ℕamecoin, a Domain Name System, Web3 Identity backend and crypto currency secured by the Bitcoin network!🌐⚙️ @namecoindevs📢 @namecoin_channelDiscord: http://namecoin.chatAuctions: @domaindealspro🛡️ @CyberSniperBot
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Welcome to @Sidechains > @CryptoCommunities > @CryptoWant to add your group to this list? send your link to @ListMeNeed help with something? @Resoultions
在行情進行一段時間後,比特幣會處於又漲又跌的疊加態。可是,假若交易者觀察行情,他會觀察到上漲或下跌,而不是同時處於上漲與下跌的比特幣。 也就是說,上漲和下跌兩種狀態的概率是各50%,如果交易者不看盤,永遠不會虧、或者是賺。 不發言、粉紅會被踢。本群共清理人數:438