is a scalable blockchain technology that enables high-speed transacting, purely functional smart contracts and decentralized oracles. Coded in Erlang.<br><br>Listed in <a href="">@Crypto</a>
We're a group of crypto enthusiasts, entrepreneurs, developers and students who meet regularly to discuss the future of Bitcoin, crypto assets & the economy.Offtopic : @IndiaBitsOT
Welocme To Official Ethiopian clashers group! ✅This Group Created on 2017 June 10 For Ethiopian Clashers.=Leaving Is Not Allowed,Be Active.=IF You Are Looking For Clan Just Send Your TagWE WILL CREATE A BOT FOR ETHIOPIAN CLASHERS SOON!
The Global Urban Forum is a discussion and sharing community. We encourage people to exchange some knowledge through some topics given.Please join the channel @globalurban_channel And the speaking group : is a scalable blockchain technology that enables high-speed transacting, purely functional smart contracts and decentralized oracles. Coded in Erlang.<br><br>Listed in <a href="">@Crypto</a>