Launched on 01/04/2019, Gric Coin (GC) is an Agricultural Blockchain Project that is focused on improving agricultural practice and increase agricultural output globally with the major focus on Africa.
Shopin was meant to be transforming retail into a distributed "Amazon", powered by decentralizing all of retail's purchase data, groundbreaking A.I. tools, decentralized universal shopper profile and cryptocurrency for retail/ eCommerce.
Accept multiple currencies , instant cash transaction of volume deals. No hidden fee.
Business Hours:
Mon to Fri 10:00 - 19:00
Closed on Saturday & Sundays and Public Holidays
正规加密货币交易所源码搭建: 1000美刀 精简版: 每个域1个许可证 有限的20个市场 交易接口 交易查看图表 完整文档 赠金 2000美刀 优质版: 精简版中的所有内容 有限的20个市场 法定货币 银行转账 信用卡支付 多语言 ERC-20支持 5590美刀 终极版: 优质版中的所有内容 100个市场的流动性 比特币全节点 BEP-20支持 TRC-20支持 Launchpool、ICO、IEO 代币/代币质押 21000美刀 贵宾版: 终极版中的所有内容 低延迟交易 期货交易 ACH转账 独特的UX/UI(100小时的客制化开发人员) 流动性无限的市场