AdvisoryNetwork is a Blockchain based Consultant Software as a Service that provides a solid solution for any companies and individuals want to provide consulting services through voice calls and video calls.
Listed in: @Segwit > @CryptoCommunities > @CryptoGroupsWant to add your group to this list? send your link to @ListMeBot created by Justin CamarenaTelegram: @CamarenaTip BTC:19TL6jn63g4Ph3dQavBx9dHbfCYsYNaGiGLTC: LcYKtMRvv8iF7Geao51kJ9hx5hXeDTUyfZ
Here you can discuss bitcoin, advertise, sell & buy. This room is only for people buying/selling at under market value. Be respectful. DO NOT CALL ANYONE A SCAMMER WITH OUT PROOF. No spamming. Enjoy
BuzzShow is a video-centric blockchain-enabled social media platform that rewards the creation, curation and viewing of online videos.Sign up on the platform: https://buzzshow.comDownload the mobile app:
Website: https://silentnotary.comBased on UBIX.Network integrated blockchains: https://ubix.networkSet up your Silent Notary account: @Lynx_01 @Klowert
@全体成员 我们的优势是: 技术经验和行业经验 早在商学院成立之初,我们的技术与分析就是独特而准确的,具有很好的实时性。 以用户体验和收益为第一目标,我们提供了实时信号源与核心群,交流群,体验群等等,用心处理每一位同胞的问题是我们的使命所在。 学院成立至今,在各个平台累计了不少用户,每天交易额达到5个亿。