Sapphire is the exclusive currency for the skill game with the world’s biggest jackpot for it's kind. The Sapphire enables people to win some of the highest prices in the history and allows people to use the coin worldwide with free buy & sell.
Welcome to ℕamecoin, a Domain Name System, Web3 Identity backend and crypto currency secured by the Bitcoin network!🌐⚙️ @namecoindevs📢 @namecoin_channelDiscord: http://namecoin.chatAuctions: @domaindealspro🛡️ @CyberSniperBot
Bloomatch is a decetralized match making protocol. Aimed to bring two different people who posses similar character traits.white paper :
Shopin was meant to be transforming retail into a distributed "Amazon", powered by decentralizing all of retail's purchase data, groundbreaking A.I. tools, decentralized universal shopper profile and cryptocurrency for retail/ eCommerce.
DECENT is a blockchain innovator with its own platform, DCore, empowering users to rapidly create and migrate business-ready, scalable and decentralized applications. 🌎📥 [email protected]
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An ecosystem of decentralized, open-source DeFi protocols that foster on-chain trading and liquidity. Introducing Carbon - Telegram: @CarbonDeFixyz
Decentralized global network making the internet blind to borders.🧬 The protocol:💰 Run a node:👻 Use MysteriumVPN:
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