MaidSafeCoin/Safecoin and other cryptocurrency trading chat (please no pump & dump advertising or spam) <br><br><br><br><br><a href="">@safenetwork</a> technology & community channel <br><br>Listed in:<br><a href="">@Crypto</a> > <a href="">@CryptoCurrencies</a>
Official account of ICOcountdown is @AlexandericoONLY TRUST THE ADMINS WITH A BADGE EVERYONE ELSE IS AN IMPERSONATOR.List of Crowdsales:
Discussion about Bitcoin developmenthttp://bitcoincore.org in:@CryptoGroups @CurrencyDirectoryRules:No altcoin/ICO discussion or promo
WeTrust is a platform for decentralized financial apps, powered by blockchain technology. Our mission is to advance financial inclusion around the world. Learn more at @SkywirePSA @skywire_reward @SkycoinGithubGROUP RULES: MARKETING / LISTING / PROMOTION SOLICITATIONS OF ANY KIND!DO NOT MESSAGE ADMINS!FAILURE TO COMPLY = BAN
MaidSafeCoin/Safecoin and other cryptocurrency trading chat (please no pump & dump advertising or spam) <br><br><br><br><br><a href="">@safenetwork</a> technology & community channel <br><br>Listed in:<br><a href="">@Crypto</a> > <a href="">@CryptoCurrencies</a>