Mainly Gentoo-focused, but all operating systems are welcome!<br><br>Rules:<br>- Be civil.<br>- Avoid drama and politics.<br>- No unsolicited advertising.<br>- No unauthorised bots.<br><br>Interested in security chat? Check out
Launched on 01/04/2019, Gric Coin (GC) is an Agricultural Blockchain Project that is focused on improving agricultural practice and increase agricultural output globally with the major focus on Africa.
ADMINS WILL NEVER ASK YOU FOR ANY CRYPTO! Issues with any of's products or have suggestions, just reach out here! Developers making use of Pool's opensource code may also discuss their ideas here. NO referral links, scams etc. allowed.
Mainly Gentoo-focused, but all operating systems are welcome!<br><br>Rules:<br>- Be civil.<br>- Avoid drama and politics.<br>- No unsolicited advertising.<br>- No unauthorised bots.<br><br>Interested in security chat? Check out