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Cryptelo (www.cryptelo.com) is next-gen cybersecurity company protecting businesses and consumers from data misuse.Cryptelo offers high-end blockchain-based products that protect sensitive data of any kind in simple and comfortable manner.
Waves blockchain platform: custom token issuance, peer-to-peer transfer and trading. All you need to know about Wavesplatform you can find here: @AboutWaves http://wavesplatform.com/ http://www.waveswiki.org/http://wavescommunity.com/
本群主要以VNSMART項目為主,謝絕各種詐騙資金盤。 每月活動於10、20、30日3天(最少會有3次,活動發放獎品會在每次活動日開始前3天公佈) 活動參與資格,必須為VNSMART會員、其他未註冊會員的社群成員,如欲參與活動請註冊會員,請先加入VNSMART。 現在註冊就送礦機,還有多種活動等你參與喔 邀請碼:vnc205372 VNSMART平台註冊及下載連結 https://app.vnsmart.com/r/4RQFN1