International group of C/C++ programming. Only english language is allowed. Rules are in the pinned message.All messages, media posted in this group will be under the Creative Commons Licence.Rules -
An Ethereum driven platform bringing swifter transactions, transparency & eliminating intermediaries in the world of Fantasy Gaming, Online & Offline Casinos, Live Sports Betting and more!Pre-ICO is LIVE!Visit for whitepaper and more.
DisruptBlock is an online publication covering cryptocurrencies and the blockchain technology - everything from news, ICO's, reviews, and market fluctuations, all in one place.
《《👁🗨❌❌❌👁🗨》》 گروه سوسکی چت قوانین《《👁🗨❌❌❌👁🗨》》لینک دربیو نزار ✔️استیکر فیلم نفرست ✔️ لفت نده چون از دست میدی دست اول بودنتو✔️ با ربات یک بار کار کن وگرنه اختار و بن ✔️ راز دار گروه و اعضا باش و فوش یا توحین نکن 🔴 با ادمین و @ziyuan1bot
An ecosystem of decentralized, open-source DeFi protocols that foster on-chain trading and liquidity. Introducing Carbon - Telegram: @CarbonDeFixyz
MaidSafeCoin/Safe Network token and other cryptocurrencies trading chat (please no pump & dump advertising or spam) in:@Crypto > @CryptoCurrencies
theCore: opensource C/C++ embedded framework<br><br>GitHub:<br>Web:<br>Telegram channel:<br>Google Groups:!forum/thecore-embedded<br><br>Welcome!