Good friends, good cigars香港雪茄煙斗谷版規:本Group主要目的為聚集一班愛好雪茄和煙斗愛好者一同討論和分享。1為建立友善的交流平台,大家應理性和互相專重,不要作出挑釁、歧視、色情、政治、宗教等話題。2.大家網上討論應保護個人私隱,避免泄露太多個人資料。3.大家應該遵守香港法例,購買完稅煙草。禁止討論或分享任何非法方式購買煙草話題。4.嚴禁任何垃圾、廣告訊息。
Please do not advertise without permission, otherwise I will throw your mother into the Ganges River in India and wash your mother's vagina into Godzilla's ultimate smelly vagina.
In TG園區, a land of attraction,
A Ferris wheel stands tall with satisfaction,
A joyful ride, high above the ground,
Spinning laughter and memories all around.