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Rules: This is a safe for work chat keep things pg. This chat welcomes all ages <18 Rules: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YJQ3NITxDVdqtOmbKNLpiLp8HgiXhd9DW9PtxTador8/edit?usp=sharing Furmeet posting info at: https://t.me/NorthShoreFursMeets
TG頻道、群組搜尋機器,Chat GPT使用,盡情暢覽你想搜的群組吧!
TG channel, group search machine, chat GPT use, browse the group you want to search with high precision!
Welcome to the Swift Off-Topic Chat!Go hamNo NSFWNo promotions (except themes)Have an AvatarNo PiracyNo Drama pleaseBe Nice to everyoneAlphabet tings onlyPer (not you Johansson 😂) and Davide are the Gods here and Rawad (occasionally)!
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