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News, discussions and help for all GNU/Linux Distributions!Group rules (Please read before joining): @SiRulessRules TL;DR1. Read the full rules at @SiRules there is no TL;DR 2. Read them againThis group is part of siliconnetwork
Discussion about Bitcoin developmenthttp://bitcoincore.orghttp://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoinhttp://twitter.com/BitcoinCoreOrgList in:@CryptoGroups @CurrencyDirectoryRules:No altcoin/ICO discussion or promo
Discussions around the Elixir programming language.Elixir is a dynamic, functional language designed for building scalable, predictable and maintainable applications.
http://namecoin.org<br>http://twitter.com/namecoin<br>http://reddit.com/r/namecoin<br><br>Listed in:<br><a href="https://t.me/Crypto">@Crypto</a> > <a href="https://t.me/CryptoCurrencies">@CryptoCurrencies</a>