Welcome to LIT UNIVERSE!? Be nice & respectful? Don't invite bots or post ads, NSFW or copyrighted content.? Keep conversation in English⚠️ Keep media posts like GIFs and stickers to a minimum
This group is created to chat with boys and girls from different countries and make new friends.Rules1 Only English2 No religious war3 No links4 No porn
我係軍仔,你既專屬香煙便利速遞 我地既出現就係為左同你地一眾煙民共同攜手~齊心合力抗煙稅 嘆好煙個個唔洗再日日捱貴煙 香煙, 免稅煙 軍仔香煙, 加煙稅 摩迪, 迪寶路