Welcome to Gamers Telegram Group?Porn & immoral stuff?Racist comments?No Advertising✅ENGLISH & Hindi language allowed in this groupYou can join our group for common chat - t.me/friendzone887
This group is open to anyone to practice English. Group's active hours UTC +7● Rules https://t.me/the_englishclub/3744019● Our group for speaking practice at @englishclub_talk● and channel at @englishclub_resourcesPartner Channel @katalogtelegram
我們不想生存在暴力的陰霾下 我們希望生活可以平平安安 我們的理想很簡單 和平的天空沒有烏雲 平靜的大地井然有序 沉默的人不再被暴力恐嚇 失去理性的人迷途知返 讓每個人都可以自由地發出聲音 雖然我只有微薄之力 但好在有你 相關Group @WhiteHandHK2019 @cockroachreaper 相關Channel @hkpestcontrolspray @HKYellowPages @hkleaks @hongkongmobchannel