A platform for discussion to keep Mi Fans around Lucknow (and nearby cities) connected.Group stats http://combot.org/chat/-1001097814727Presidents@ansh998@tiwariraman
WWE TALK™-▪EST: December 29th, 2014. ▪New Era: August 8th,2016 - August 19th, 2017"NO DRAMA,WE ARE A FAMILY HERE"-☆Owner/Chairmen: aarontgod♤CEO: Dejurej-?WWA Telegram Champion: Phenomenal (7 days) (On Hold)
There's no denying that the human race is under attack by so-called globalist ruling elites, aka Luciferian Illuminati Freemasons, especially Americans. Stop the spraying of health-degrading nano-particles on the mind-controlled masses world-wide.
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