In TG園區, a land of attraction,
A Ferris wheel stands tall with satisfaction,
A joyful ride, high above the ground,
Spinning laughter and memories all around.
Come to discuss market plunges & accurate info. This is a place where users “Can” network. In any part of the country. To buy/sell. what’s app or telephone :+13104023011 email:[email protected]
我们认为下列真理不言而喻 : 人人生而平等,造物者赋予其若干不可剥夺的权利,包括生命权、自由权和 追求幸福的权利;世间政府是为保障这些权利而建的,,政府的正当权力来自于被治理者的认可;当任何 政府形式危及这些目标时,人民就有权予以改变或废除并基于最有可能给他们带来安全与幸福的原则和权 力分配形式建立新政府。