Stellarize is a non-profit platform that connects investors to each other to improve the blockchain industry. it will have a team responsible for conducting surveys and writing articles on various events related to the blockchain environment.
Unofficial Telegram Group of the /r/GlobalOffensive subreddit. Feel free to chat about CS, this subreddit or anything else, as long as it won't get too off-topic. Make sure you read the /rules and check out /steam! :)Enjoy your stay!
I hope that everyone in the new group can communicate in a civilized manner, learn from each other, improve themselves, and have a good income every day
國境前線,村民披着狼皮,殺人魔手持撲克與槍,先知一派準備登上權力的頂峰。只有最會變裝,善用不同面具欺騙敵人的人才能夠在這個戰線存活下去,絞盡腦汁撕裂敵人的面具吧。<br><br>想成為優秀的獵人,<br>請先到武器屋?裝備[版規]:<br><a href="">@ExceedHunter</a><br><br>本群方位™©®<br><a href="">@ExceedWolf</a>