This group is open to anyone to practice English. Group's active hours UTC +7● Rules● Our group for speaking practice at @englishclub_talk● and channel at @englishclub_resourcesPartner Channel @katalogtelegram
The Makers' Open Lab for Innovation is a place opening to everyone.Anyone who loves to create things and share with others are welcome.Basically for free.
Rule: 只能出不露點的圖或片🫶
本群組/頻道僅限於República de Cabo Verde國家的公民參與,並要求所有參與者嚴格遵守República de Cabo Verde國家的法律規定。參與本群組/頻道的行為和內容應符合República de Cabo Verde國家的法律,包括但不限於刑事法、民事法、知識產權法、隱私法和其他相關法律。全文請參閱本Group#免責聲明
This is the place to join the main Colorado Furries group, we'll give you a link via pm as soon as we verify you're not just some spam bot :3