Unofficial Telegram Group of the /r/GlobalOffensive subreddit. Feel free to chat about CS, this subreddit or anything else, as long as it won't get too off-topic. Make sure you read the /rules and check out /steam! :)Enjoy your stay!
The Makers' Open Lab for Innovation is a place opening to everyone.Anyone who loves to create things and share with others are welcome.Basically for free.
安卓海外改机/一键新机,支持Pixel 2(欧版)、Pixel 2 XL(欧版)系列手机,其它机型可定制。 已支持Facebook、Twitter、TikTok、Instagram等APP,欢迎老板们对接测试。 唯一客服:@miuzan0 只做海外业务,不做国内业务!