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Правила и дополнительная информация в закрепе: https://telegra.ph/Pravila-01-18-4
Наш.владелец @kyarypamyupamyusong
Мой канал @Japanesetokyokyssnian @Japanese_trap_music https://t.me/Rinngososaku_Teruko
Welcome to LIT UNIVERSE!? Be nice & respectful? Don't invite bots or post ads, NSFW or copyrighted content.? Keep conversation in English⚠️ Keep media posts like GIFs and stickers to a minimum
It's a group for people from all over the world to practice English - and make friends - that is organized by @violaclub and @violaschool. Please, follow the #ViolaRules and speak English only.
歡迎大家朋友們傾吓計 ⚠️‼️群規 ⚠️‼️ 可以揾谷員私信,如投訴,違者即踢。 ⚠️違者即踢,唔會被任何機會。⚠️ 🈲吵架、人身攻擊及內戰 🈲色情話題、影片及照片🔞 🈲宣傳、廣告🪧其他群Link及招人 🈲潛水,無上線24小時即踢 😇可以自行搞下群聚活動,燒野食或唱k😇