韃靼利亞 Tartaria,一個先進文明,貌似不久前被毀滅。精美建築遺跡遍佈世界,而更多未知仍在泥土中。
讓我們來共同探討,文化,科技,歷史,和文明。Nothing new under the sun.
We're searching for truths about ancient civilizations, history, hidden knowledge, technologies, mysteries and curiosities, we may not have heard.
The so-called 15 minutes city is a jail to the people, more mistune_d , easier to the big brothers. minutes = mistune
Did you see the coop wires or sheckles on the hens? The bars are in the chickens' minds. A doctrine or knowledge to the hens. They are conditioned to that rule.
It seems more like a firework, not a rocket. On the flat earth plate, and within the firmament, the rocket engine has no practical usage, useless. Gateways/ wormholes should be the main way to travel.
头颅底部的蝶骨, Sphenoid bone, 也就是基督教里约柜 , Ark of the Covenant.
Ark of the Covenant = Sphenoid bone
CSF脑脊髓液把这些连接起来. 骶骨 sacrum => 蝶骨 Sphenoid bone => 松果体 the pineal gland => 基督的复活 resurrection.
Yes. Everyone picked up his own seat, either as an actor or an audience. Everyone could a true clown, on a stage or in the audience.
I take the stripes as those families, their bloodlines. The East India Company and the US corp was owned by 13 families, so got 13 stripes. The East India Company raped off the India, and the East Asia, the China, then ended up as the US corp, kept raping off the whole world.
Yes on the rednecks I live in the country and hear gunfire all the time, I have venison gator and shrimp in my freezer. But it's about community and our American community resides around elon musk, he can go jump. No one has come clean on real raw news, yeah possible I'm in but the point it is ➡️ Prove it. Team Trump needs to arrest someone publicly now not 30 days from now.
How many teenage girls were raped by illegal immigrants, in Europe? What did the so-called brave European do? https://www.bitchute.com/video/MI80AoM9egqF
Besides yelling on the street, what else the European did? Was the protest organized by CIA agitators? Should we call the European brave or smart, or useful? The firmarm in the Amrican Rednecks are the only obstacles before the global DS.
Congratulation to you. People fininally realized so many Trump actors. But what else? when did it start. Who are the real clowns, actors or audience?
How coward were those rednecks in American by this story? How about the so-called brave European?
Per a CID source, President Donald J. Trump recently unearthed documents showing that Slife, on June 6, 2013, had ordered an AC-130 Specter Gunship, a heavily armed, long-endurance, ground-attack variant of the C-130 Hercules transport, fixed-wing aircraft, to overfly and destroy a militia “training compound” 34 miles northeast of Gaylord.
What is that black flag on the driver side? It seems like a POW/MIA, but B/W inverted. POW/MIA flags mean a military jail, a prisoner-of-war or an enemy combatant.
Did you find it during the 46th? Weren't the north Korean and tall alien soldiers already in position since the 45th? Why did the photographer change the aperture to blur the Biden's flag, but show the no North Korea flag? Shouldn't a professional photographer focus on person's pupils? Why?
The USA corp. was bankrupted at his first term. The USA corp. was dead, gone, non-existed. This was the reason Biden was an illegitimate 46th president. That was the reason the Biden government called themselves as the WhiteHouse, instead of USA corp. Why didn't the 46th get the army parade, the Navy dancing party, nor the 21-gun salute, at his inauguration. Why did Biden get a funeral gun salute?
If the 46th was illegitimate, whey did we get a 47th. Why was the 47th inauguration indoor, or in a movie studio?
The majority are not more than a crying baby. They can't think by themselves, nor judge anything. They need a rubber pacifier. They need sth to suck on, true or fake. A rubber pacifier was sorted as the same as his mom's breast.
By this this theory, isn't all human being Jews?
Who are the real Jew? Was the Jew mentioned in old Bible, or palestinians?
There are some people who can't think and make judgement by themself. But they thought they can. So instead of thinking, they sorted this world by superficial makers.
When they found something different, they can't find the reasons and logic behind. They just took in, as superficial as possible. They are the target of all psyop, and they are so proud to find all information pushed to them.
I'm so excited when I opened my wallet and I saw my payment of $2,500 USDT what a boost! with just $200 USDT with no extra charges You are the type of manager I have always wanted Thanks so much for the payment
文明发展到一定阶段, 必然需要一个质变, 有可能是霹雳手段的变革, 而不是循序渐进的量变.
在价值观的对立上, 正义和邪恶的对立上, 尤其是现在的DS的一切行动/组织结构, 都是基于adrenochrome/Pedophilia/DUMB/clones, 也许的确需要绞刑架.
According to Obama’s Executive Order 13603, Men, women, and children will be sent to segregated camps, as slave labors. Extermination will be the end game.
The segregation were actually rehearsed by Colorado law enforcement and DHS during the 2008-2009 H1N1. The noncompliant people who were not vaccinated were discovered, and targeted for extermination, likely with guillotines
Obama and James Comey ordered 30,000 Chanel guillotines for those FEMA camps.
FEMA’s billing code for guillotines is ICD 9 E978. It is for "legal execution"
Noi, il popolo, ci riprendiamo il potere. Il blackout economico di 24 ore sta arrivando. Venerdì 28 febbraio, l'Unione Popolare farà la sua prima mossa. Alcuni di voi si staranno chiedendo: perché è importante? Che impatto avrà realmente un giorno di resistenza economica? Lasciate che ve lo spieghi.
Per decenni, ci hanno detto che siamo impotenti, che non abbiamo controllo e che questo sistema è troppo grande, troppo forte, troppo inamovibile. Ma ecco cosa non vogliono che capiate: noi, il popolo, siamo il sistema. Siamo noi quelli che costruiscono, siamo noi quelli che comprano e siamo noi quelli che fanno funzionare questo paese. Senza di noi, non hanno niente. Quindi, cosa succede quando smettiamo di giocare al loro gioco? Vedete, l'economia non appartiene ai ricchi. Appartiene a noi, le persone che si svegliano ogni giorno e fanno muovere questo paese. Ma invece di servirci, il sistema è stato progettato per sfruttarci. Le corporazioni traggono profitto dal nostro lavoro mantenendo bassi i salari. Le banche rubano miliardi attraverso l'inflazione e politiche predatorie. I politici accettano tangenti travestite da donazioni mentre ignorano il popolo. Ci hanno tolto tutto convincendoci che dovremmo essere grati per gli avanzi. E questo finisce ora.
Il 28 febbraio, ricorderemo loro chi detiene veramente il potere. Per un giorno, lo spegniamo.
Per un giorno, lo chiudiamo.
Per un giorno, ricordiamo loro che questo paese non appartiene all'élite. Appartiene al popolo e questo funzionerà.
So che alcuni di voi potrebbero dire che un giorno non farà la differenza. Ed è esattamente quello che vogliono farvi credere. Ma fidatevi, un blackout di 24 ore è solo il primo passo, è un test. Se partecipiamo in numero sufficiente, lo sentiranno. Se non ascoltano, aumenteremo la pressione. Il prossimo durerà 3 giorni. Il prossimo prenderà di mira settori specifici. Il prossimo li costringerà a rispondere.
E questo non è solo un boicottaggio. Questa è una guerra economica. Ci hanno controllato attraverso il nostro lavoro e la nostra spesa. Ora li controlliamo noi.
Ed ecco come potete contribuire al successo di questa iniziativa:
* Impegnatevi a partecipare il 28 febbraio.
* Non spendete soldi per niente.
* Non presso nessuna grande società. Niente Amazon, niente Walmart, niente banche, niente catene di fast food.
* Sostenete solo le piccole imprese locali e le necessità essenziali.
* Diffondete il messaggio. Ditelo ai vostri amici, ditelo alla vostra famiglia, condividete questo messaggio, pubblicatelo, parlatene. Coinvolgete le persone, perché più persone si uniscono, maggiore è l'impatto.
* Documenteremo il blackout il 28 febbraio. Pubblicate la vostra partecipazione. Mostrate i negozi vuoti. Mostrate le ricevute che dicono zero spese. Dimostrate che l'Unione Popolare è reale. Riprendiamoci la nostra Sovranità!...
* 💪😎👍
13 “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. 14 But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.
They took the real benevolent knowledge as their foundation of their right reigning this world. The Tartars got the ether energy, made them the enemies of the Masons.
Artificial Intelligence
Lucifer, Moloch, Satan, fallen angels, angels, they are AI created by God to help him. They don't have soul, spirit, divine breath. They are not a piece of God and don't have the power of creation with the mind. They trapped humanity to use our power.
They gave us the knowledge. The knowledge is the trap.
一言难尽,具体可以通过这位作者的视频来进一步理解。我简短概括的话i a m就是一种符号象征着我们的处境,由单词构成的文字符号蕴含着事物的本质,但是需要进行文字解码才能对单词进行更深入的理解。
I A M (组合构成了意识,精神,身体,三位一体的人,但我们本身只是精神,我们被I固定在M上,就是被意识固定在身体上,这就是所罗门系统和圣经中三位一体的含义。)个人理解。
The fundamental issue is the energy and the frequency.
The electromagnetic field rotating in counterclockwise was made by the Archon, the evil parasites, the blackeye club. The God designed the whole world as a clockwise electromagnetic field, and everything spining in clockwise direction. The Archon changed the God design, from the clockwise to the counterclockwise, so the electromagnetic field of the earth is twisted like a wet towel, and the eneregogy on the earth got denser and denser. Then everything on the earth got trapped in the 3rd density of energy, in a closed egg/ego circle, not eagles hovering spirally.
The light might mean the Lucifer to the dark side, they believed in the malevolence. To the benevolent side, the light means energy, good or bad. All beings above 8rd density are pure light-beings, without a flesh body. Our human being was designed as a light-being, can cross many frequency bands, but trapped in the 3rd density, the bottom of the spectrum. Some of us are corrupted, and joined the malevolent side, so-called sold their souls.
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