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WWE TALK™-▪EST: December 29th, 2014. ▪New Era: August 8th,2016 - August 19th, 2017"NO DRAMA,WE ARE A FAMILY HERE"-☆Owner/Chairmen: aarontgod♤CEO: Dejurej-?WWA Telegram Champion: Phenomenal (7 days) (On Hold)
歡迎加入加密島(Ti)交流群,與全球華人加密貨幣愛好者一起交流、分享和學習! 🚫 所有涉及黃、黑、政治的話題都將被踢出。群內禁止發布廣告、不實謠言等。請大家共同維護社區秩序,營造友好的討論環境,謝謝! 客服: @ti_johen @tangfinance_002