Astrology Chat, come chat with us.<br><br>Check out <a href="">@AstrologyResources</a> to learn more about Astrology and <a href="">@kosmosays</a> to realize how dumb and cringey the creator of this group is. <br><br>Can check your MBTI type using <a href="">@MBTIrobot</a>.
Group for programming with unix-like systems and respecting the unix philosophy.Plan9, BSD, Linux, Solaris and all unix-like operating systems and POSIX related stuff.C,Perl,Sh,Python,Lua...X,Ncurses,Latex...Channel: @unixsourceGroup: @unixcoders
Astrology Chat, come chat with us.<br><br>Check out <a href="">@AstrologyResources</a> to learn more about Astrology and <a href="">@kosmosays</a> to realize how dumb and cringey the creator of this group is. <br><br>Can check your MBTI type using <a href="">@MBTIrobot</a>.