Shopin was meant to be transforming retail into a distributed "Amazon", powered by decentralizing all of retail's purchase data, groundbreaking A.I. tools, decentralized universal shopper profile and cryptocurrency for retail/ eCommerce.
Cloudflare在中国的用户(站长)交流群我们聊:关于站长周边/开发者资源(工具、脚本、源码)、VPS/WAF/CDN/DNS等(攻略教程/使用优化)、DDoS防护、Cloudflare最新动态以及宿云有关话题禁:黄黑赌毒暴恐、引战/人身攻击、持续政治敏感/争议话题、批发广告、无上下文推广频道消息:*非Cloudflare.Com官方维护*This group is not officially managed by Cloudflare.Com
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Consortium of individuals and companies working in decentralisation, blockchain & related technologies. You can also find us on
是咁的,我本身係寫 code 嘅,兩年前開左呢間公司,有幾個長期合作嘅 project 跟緊,最近都有唔少人想 outsource 啲 project 過來,所以想請個人幫下手 技術方面主要係做 Web,我地用開 PHP,另外有時都需要用 react native 去寫 app 而家呢刻你唔需要識哂所有野,但希望你有心學,想成為一個 full stack developer 呢份工有挑戰嘅位係學識點樣做個 scale up 到嘅網站,因為手頭上啲網站本身都幾多人上,要學識點 tune 下啲 server,或者改 code 去 support 到好多人同時在線而又唔會死機之類 有三類野係我地長期做緊嘅: - Shopping cart,我地有個台灣伙伴用緊我地寫嘅一套 shopping cart 系統,而家都仲有 actively develop 緊新 feature,有時仲會開 FB 直播,啲流量會一下子衝哂入來,嗰段時間可能就要睇實個網 - Wordpress,有唔少 request 係要做啲速食網站,我地都係用 wordpress 去做,基本上有哂標準程序,跟住我地套寫法去做就得 - 另外就係出面接返來嘅 project,真係乜花款都有,好多野可以學到 目前需要你識嘅係: - PHP - SQL (MySQL) - HTML, CSS, JS 識呢啲有分加: - Laravel - Wordpress - Magento - React Native 人工方面就睇你經驗同識幾多野再定,0 - 10 年經驗都會考慮 Summary: - Fresh grad 到 Senior 都會考慮 - 免費零食野飲 - 年尾視乎表現發花紅,出色嘅兩三個月花紅都有 有意請Email 至 [email protected]