Discussion about Bitcoin developmenthttp://bitcoincore.orghttp://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoinhttp://twitter.com/BitcoinCoreOrgList in:@CryptoGroups @CurrencyDirectoryRules:No altcoin/ICO discussion or promo
We are a group of Bitcoin users forking Bitcoin back to its original vision of scaling on-chain to the world; with or without miner majority.http://bitcoinforks.orghttps://www.reddit.com/r/btcfork/Chat rules at @TermsConditions
All Bitcoin, Cryptocurrency related Chat. No referral linking, no spamming. No advertising of your own services. If someone pm's you it's probably a scam.
Semi-official chat moderated by the community and Golem Team.Official: https://chat.golem.network. Golem creates the first global market for idle computer power https://golem.network
希望大家多交流元宇宙这个趋势,我们平台也致力于虚拟世界,希望可以越来越多元化! 不管是虚拟币 区块链 NFT 的好友们都可以一起讨论哦