A group for Kenyans to share, connect, inform and network.<br>No porn, gore, racism, tribalism, do not share t.me links. Keep it cordial. If you need an Admin send <a href="https://t.me/admin">@admin</a> in the group.
Waves is a community‑based stack of decentralized open‑source technologies to build scalable, user‑friendly appshttps://waves.techNews: t.me/wavesnewsNote that our support will NEVER ask for your SEED phrase or password or to transfer funds elsewhere
A group for Kenyans to share, connect, inform and network.<br>No porn, gore, racism, tribalism, do not share t.me links. Keep it cordial. If you need an Admin send <a href="https://t.me/admin">@admin</a> in the group.