Welcome to LIT UNIVERSE!? Be nice & respectful? Don't invite bots or post ads, NSFW or copyrighted content.? Keep conversation in English⚠️ Keep media posts like GIFs and stickers to a minimum
韃靼利亞 Tartaria,失落的先進文明,貌似不久前被毀滅。精美建築遺跡遍佈世界,而更多未知仍在泥土中。
We're searching for truths about ancient civilizations, history, hidden knowledge, technologies, mysteries and curiosities, as nothing new under the sun.
Welcome to the Wemark Telegram group! Wemark is the first distributed marketplace for digital content, starting with stock photos.Learn more about Wemark on tge.wemark.com.
🎶其實毒撚一個更開心~~洗撚你講~~~~~🗣 歡迎加入 港男「毒」遊日記 請即Follow我地群組入口,仲有各大類型既吹水谷,等你加入🫵 儘管生活過得唔如意,都仲有我地一班好兄弟!撐你!💪 歡迎你成為我地既一份子👏👏 🆓🆓🆓🆓🆓🆓🆓🆓🆓🆓🆓🆓🆓🆓🆓🆓🆓